HAŠK Mladost has finished their Strategic action plan

After the third and final meeting of the HAŠK Mladost Local Sport!OP! working group that was held in Zagreb on septiembre 29th the Strategic action plan was finished.

Local Sport!OP! working group met up a few times during the project span to develop firstly the pilot implementation and after the Strategic action plan.

As was already reported the pilot implementation was done in collaboration with the field hockey club that has offered free hockey classes in primary school Prečko two times a week for the duration of the school year. We are happy to say that the collaboration between the club and the school was successful and that they decided to continue the activities in the new school year as well.

As a result of this pilot action and with the assistance of the Local Sport!OP! working group HAŠK Mladost has created their Strategic action plan which is an example of the implemented program in Zagreb and can be used as an example for creating similar action plans in other locations and organisations.

It details the type of actions and actors / stakeholders, as well as the resources needed to sustain a local community-based strategy using sport as a vehicle for social inclusion of the most vulnerable and at-risk children and adolescents.

Also it breaks down the strategic goals and objectives of Sport!OP! into specific tasks. It includes the sequence of steps to be taken, or activities that must be performed, for a strategy to succeed at local level.