APPLE Seminar o Nutricionizmu
Održan je prvi webinar za projekt APPLE na kojem se raspravljalo o temi prehrambena dobrobit mladih sportaša u mladosti koju je predstavila dijetetičarka dr. Cleonice Renzetti Seminar Nutritional Well Being predstavila je registrirana dijetetičarka dr. Cleonice Renzetti, gdje je fokus stavljen na specifične prehrambene potrebe i uobičajene probleme s kojima se susreću tinejđerski sportaši. Posebna pozornost posvećena je tipičnim prehrambenim navikama u ovoj dobnoj skupini, uobičajenim poremećajima u prehrani kao i učincima dopinga. Preuzmi prezentaciju
APPLE Nutritional Well Being Seminar
The first webinar for the APPLE project was held, where the topic of Nutritional well being for young athletes in their adolescent years was discussed, presented by dietician Dott. Cleonice Renzetti The Nutritional Well Being seminar was presented by registered dietitian Doc. Cleonice Renzetti, where the focus was placed on the specific nutritional needs and common problems incurred with adolescent aged athletes. Specific attention was given to typical dietary habits found in this age group, common eating disorders as well as