
There are few sports organizations that have such continuity and rich history as HAŠK Mladost. Since 1903, through six different states, through various transformations and changes of the name, HAŠK Mladost represents the sublimation of the best that makes Croatian sport.


founding of the first student club H.A.Š.K.

Hrvatski akademski športski klubovi Mladost Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, continuing the tradition of the first student club H.A.Š.K. founded on November 6, 1903, contributed to the organization and promotion of academic and also Croatian sports.


The first match of the HAŠK Mladost team and the first public football match in Zagreb

Football had become a serious sport in HAŠK only with the forming of competition. On October 23, 1905 The First Football and Sports Club Zagreb invited HAŠK to a football match. HAŠK football players started to train seriously, for each absence from training, it was necessary to present a written apology to the team captain. Thus, football turned from a popular hobby into a sport. However, the first match took place only on October 28, 1906. It was the first public football match in Zagreb. The match ended with a score of 1:1, and was played on the so-called skating rink, the area where the University Library (now the State Archives) was later built.

1945 - 1946

transformation of HAŠK Mladosti

In 1945, the society has undergone a transformation, so in 1946, by merging of Akademičar and Mladost, the largest student sports association Mladost was formed, and thus began the golden age of academic and Croatian sports. There were a number of top sports results in various sports, such as water polo, volleyball, athletics, rowing, swimming, basketball, fencing, tennis and other sports that have made up HAŠK Mladost for more than a century.


awarding of the first Mladost Trophy

In 1950, the society introduces the oldest Croatian sports award – the Mladost Trophy – which is awarded every year at the annual assembly to the most successful individuals and teams. The first prize for the best athlete was won by Ivo Kleiner, while the first prize for the best female athlete was awarded in 1951 to Milica Šumak.

This prestigious award was received by hundreds of athletes and sports professionals such as Gordan Kožulj, Tamara Boroš, Perica Bukić, Barbara Jelić, Tomislav Smoljanović, Oliver Martinov, Ninoslav Saraga, Suzana Skoko, Petra Banović, Ivana Brkljačić, Tomislav Paškvalin, Dubravko Šimenc, Đurđa Fočić Šourek, Milka Babović, Olga Šikovec Luncer, Žarko Susić, Radovan Lipovšćak, Žarko Dolinar and other eminent and celebrated names.


first Mladost Olympic medals

Zdravko Ježić and Juraj Amšel were the first members of Mladost to win an Olympic medal. It was a silver medal in water polo in 1952 in Helsinki under the cap of the former Yugoslavia.


Award for the most beautiful European sports park

HAŠK Mladost is the builder and owner of the real estate of the Sports Park Mladost , which in 1988 was awarded the prize for the most beautiful European sports park.


For the first time the Mladost Lifetime Achievement Award was presented

Since 2003, the Mladost Lifetime Achievement Award is being awarded. The first lifetime achievement award was given to Žarko Susić.


Joining the European Multisport Club Association (EMCA)

In 2014, HAŠK Mladost became a member of the EMCA network – European Multisport Club Association. EMCA was founded as an association of European multi-sport societies in 2013 at the Lazio Sports Center in Rome, Italy. In 2017, the EMCA registered its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium as a non-governmental organization.


The first EU project for HAŠK Mladost

From 1.1.2015 to 30.6.2016 HAŠK Mladost participated in the Erasmus + Sport project Sport & Support coordinated by SS Lazio. The project aimed for social inclusion in sports. The goal of the project was connecting with various groups such as the youngest children, the elderly, children of lower financial status and people with disabilities. The central day of the project promotion was the organization of the Mladost Multisport Day at the Sports Park Mladost .

During 2017, HAŠK Mladost participated in the project “WELCOME – Integration of refugees through sports” where, with the help of the JRS-Jesuit Refugees Center, a multisport program for refugee children was provided.

From 1.1.2017 to 30.6.2018 HAŠK Mladost is the coordinator of the Erasmus + Sport project “Sport MyWay” which was aimed at creating a new innovative multi-sport program for children aged 6-11. During the project, a handbook for coaches and instructors was designed as the first publication of the EMCA Studia.

Mission of HAŠK Mladosti

HAŠK Mladost develops children's, student, top, recreational and para sport. From the beginning, the society, in accordance with its academic mission, is open to new ideas and achievements in the promotion and working in the field of sports, thus developing the spirit of Mladost which is a fundamental component of the intellectual capital of HAŠK Mladost.

EXCELLENT SINCE 1903! There are few sports organizations that have such continuity and rich history as HAŠK Mladost.

The management of HAŠK Mladost affairs is performed by associated sports clubs through their representatives in the Assembly, the Presidency and other bodies of HAŠK Mladost.

HAŠK Mladost is part of the European Multisport Club Association (EMCA) , and since 2015 has been active in implementing the Erasmus projects with the goal of promoting the importance of sport in various areas of life.