
The students at Ivan Meštrović had an APPLE healthy lifestyles presentation. Rowing was the sport used to promote healthy lifestyle at the primary school Ivan Meštrović. The students of the upper classes had a chance to try rowing on the machines. This was a chance for them to see if that might be the right sport for them to continue with healthy lifestyles and improve their overall well being.

Challenge of Changing Careers in the Experience of Oliver Martinov. This interview explains how the top rower adjusted in the business field. Oliver Martinov was born in 1975 in Zadar, where he started rowing in the Rowing Club Adriatic. There he achieves his first rowing successes. Since October 1997 he has been a member of HAVK Mladost where he achieved his greatest results. In 2010 he finished studies in the field of physical preparation of athletes at the Faculty of Kinesiology,

Pročitajte intervju s prof. Tomislavom Smoljanovičem, osvajačem brončane medalja na Olimpijskim igrama u Sydneyu 2000 u veslanju, liječnikom i voditeljem Poliklinike za ortopediju Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Tomislav Smoljanović od početka sportske karijere uspio je uravnotežiti svoju sportsku i profesionalnu karijeru. Njegov najveći sportski uspjeh je brončana medalja s Olimpijskih igara 2000. godine u Sydneyju u veslanju (u disciplini osmerac). Danas je poznati ortopedski kirurg i liječnik koji radi kao predstojnik Poliklinike za ortopediju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Međunarodni interes i odobravanje javnosti stekao