Water polo

On 21st February two of ours Legends Forever ambassadors meet on the game of their home team. Perica Bukić and Norbert Madaras did meet in Zagreb during the LEN Euro League that played HAVK Mladost from Zagreb, Croatia against Ferencvaros from Hungary. It was our honour to meet with these two Water polo legends that are now one of the main people in their national Water Polo world as the part of Executive director in Croatian Water Polo Federation and as

Perica Bukić jedan od najtrofejnijih svjetski vaterpolista svih vremena jednako je uspješan i u svojoj drugoj karijeri. Svojim igrama, rezultatima, pojavom i ponašanjem Perica Bukić ostavio je neizbrisiv trag u svjetskom vaterpolu. U karijeri je ukupno osvojio 40 odličja. Trofeji – s reprezentacijom: na OI zlato u Los Angelesu 1984. i u Seoulu 1988. i srebro u Atlanti 1996; na Svjetskom prvenstvu zlato u Madridu 1986 i Perthu 1991.; na Svjetskom kupu zlato u Solunu 1987. i Berlinu 1989. srebro u Barceloni