On the afternoon of Wednesday, December 14, the final conference of the European project Sport!OP!, in which HAŠK Mladost has been a partner since the beginning of 2020, was held in the Sala Tarafa in Granollers. This project has been developed in framework of the Erasmus+ Sport program and the main objective has been the inclusion of vulnerable young people through the practice of sport. Close to sixty people attended this conference which was used to review the almost 3 years
HAŠK Mladost has finished their Strategic action plan
After the third and final meeting of the HAŠK Mladost Local Sport!OP! working group that was held in Zagreb on septiembre 29th the Strategic action plan was finished. Local Sport!OP! working group met up a few times during the project span to develop firstly the pilot implementation and after the Strategic action plan. As was already reported the pilot implementation was done in collaboration with the field hockey club that has offered free hockey classes in primary school Prečko two times a
On Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd of September 2022, partners of Sport!OP! project met in Lund, Sweden, for coordination meeting. The work of the Methodological handbook was presented and partners discussed about how to design it in order to linking practice and theory in a user friendly way. After that, each partner shared its Strategic Action Plan (SAP). The Swedish, Belgian, Croatian, Bosnian (via online) and Spanish partners explained the SAP are defining in their countries. A discussion followed about how to
Sport!Op! pilot program end
With the finishing of the school year the HAŠK Mladost pilot program that was done in collaboration with the field hockey club is coming to an end. After nine months of implementation with two practices per week it can for sure be said that the pilot program was good. The quality and success of the program can also be confirmed with the fact that the Primary school Prečko and the field hockey club have agreed for a continuation of the Program
Sport!Op! second meeting of the Local working group
HAŠK Mladost organized the second meeting of the Local Sport!Op! working group. This working group meeting was joined by representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and city bodies and institutions such as the Sports Association of the City of Zagreb, the Institution for the Management of Sports Facilities. As the pilot program is coming to an end, it was necessary to review everything done and achieved. The participants of the meeting were presented with the activities that were carried out
Sport!Op! partners meet up in Zagreb
The partners of the Sport!Op! project held a two day meeting in Zagreb. The first full working day was defecated to following up on all the activities done on the project where each of the partners presented their Local pilot programes and how they were implemented. After that the University of Barcelona took center stage with two workshops. The first was connected to the chart for the systemic review of the Pilot program which all of the partners had to fill. The
Sport!Op! pilot program in full swing
The activities of the HAŠK Mladost Sport!Op! pilot program are in full swing. The field hockey section has been providing the pilot program in the primary school Prečko regularly two times a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, since October. The interest of the kids has been good with more girls joining than boys. The fact that there are more girls is expected as one of the findings from the needs assessment have been that there are a lack of activities for them. The
Sport!Op! multisport enters western Zagreb
Through the local needs assessment, it was recognised that in the western part of the city of Zagreb there is little on offer for kids who want to do sports. The only thing available is football, which targets mainly boys. The problems arising from this lack of sport offer are: Exclusion from sport of a substantial part of the child population who are not interested in football Exclusion of kids whose parents don’t have the time, or the means to take them
Last week Sport!Op! Project partners met in Sarajevo in the Steering Commitee. The project has resumed face-to-face meetings with two working sessions that have served to know the different pilot actions that are developing given the situation generated by the Covid-19. In addition, it was defined how the results of these actions will be evaluated. The meeting also served, precisely, how a methodological handbook will be generated, coordinated by University of Barcelona. This document will gather the experience of the pilot
First local Sport!Op working group meeting
The HAŠK Mladost Local Sport!Op! working group meet up for the first time on Tuesday May 11th in Zagreb. In the local needs assessment it was recognised that in the western part of the city of Zagreb there is little on offer for kids who want to do sports. Out of the three clubs who initially presented an interest in participating in the project, the field hockey club has shown to be the most adequate for organising the activities. At the working