EDoC en

Perica Bukić jedan od najtrofejnijih svjetski vaterpolista svih vremena jednako je uspješan i u svojoj drugoj karijeri. Svojim igrama, rezultatima, pojavom i ponašanjem Perica Bukić ostavio je neizbrisiv trag u svjetskom vaterpolu. U karijeri je ukupno osvojio 40 odličja. Trofeji – s reprezentacijom: na OI zlato u Los Angelesu 1984. i u Seoulu 1988. i srebro u Atlanti 1996; na Svjetskom prvenstvu zlato u Madridu 1986 i Perthu 1991.; na Svjetskom kupu zlato u Solunu 1987. i Berlinu 1989. srebro u Barceloni

HAŠK Mladost is a long-time partner of the Croatian European Week of Sport organised by the Croatian state office for sport. It has become a tradition that HAŠK presents its projects and activities at these events. At the beginning of the event after the official opening, the Croatian Prime minister came to the HAŠK Mladost booth where he was presented with all the Erasmus + project HAŠK is currently working on including EDoC. After that the HAŠK Mladost team presented the project

Last Thursday, 25th July, the European Day Of Care Partners organised an online meeting, in order to organise the next steps of the project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, and solve the latest pending doubts. In particular, all the Multisport Clubs involved were able to efficiently divide their tasks, in particular regarding the actual implementation of the EDoC for our #LegendsForever. Here are the outcomes of the conversation: All five partners continue to post an article weekly about athletes

The motivational story about the Croatian athlete Milka Babović, world class athlete and sprinter and one of the first female sports journalist in Europe. You won’t regret reading her powerful story. During the 50’s and 60’s of the last century Milka Babović belonged to the team of top European sprinters. An athlete from HAŠK Mladost, Multiple State Champion and Yugoslav National Team member. She confirmed her quality by winning the 80-meter-high disciplines and 100 and 200 meter sprints in the Balkan

Pročitajte intervju s prof. Tomislavom Smoljanovičem, osvajačem brončane medalja na Olimpijskim igrama u Sydneyu 2000 u veslanju, liječnikom i voditeljem Poliklinike za ortopediju Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Tomislav Smoljanović od početka sportske karijere uspio je uravnotežiti svoju sportsku i profesionalnu karijeru. Njegov najveći sportski uspjeh je brončana medalja s Olimpijskih igara 2000. godine u Sydneyju u veslanju (u disciplini osmerac). Danas je poznati ortopedski kirurg i liječnik koji radi kao predstojnik Poliklinike za ortopediju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Međunarodni interes i odobravanje javnosti stekao

This top swimmer did not take the finish of his swimming career as the end, but as a new beginning. “Success is never as powerful motivator as is failure, because only failure leads us to the necessary changes and breakthroughs.” Gordan Kožulj is a former Croatian swimmer, a multiple state record breaker, member of HAŠK Mladost. In his sports career he accomplished a number of top athletic achievements, including the title of the American (1998), European (2000, 2001, 2002) and World

Josip Lucić judoka, General in the Croatian Army, Doctor of Kinesiology, trainer and official on various functions. Read this interesting interview and learn more about his life and tips for today’s student athletes. In the 80’s Josip Lucić he was a multiple medallist at the Yugoslav Championships. In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. He is a General of the Croatian Armed Forces, he was a coach at the Mladost judo club and today he is

The HAŠK Mladost international team presented project EDoC at the annual HAŠK assembly. The representatives of the HAŠK member clubs and the Vice-dean of the University of Zagreb could here the main ideas of the project. After the initial project presentation, Bojan Mijatović asked everybody present for feedback about what they think are the biggest problems their athletes might have when it comes to their second career and what might be the best way to help them. Again, balancing the obligations of

From this Monday, 20th of May till every our project ends, we will be posting stories of our legends every Monday. Each partner will represent 12 athletes or ex-athletes that have reached a high level of international success in their respective sports and who have a story to tell underpinning the subtle relationship between a sport and another professional career. And follow us at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! 

On the 11th of February HAŠK Mladost presented the European day of care project at the Croatian Erasmus+ Sport Info day in Zagreb. Dunja Bračun who is working on the project participated in the event as a panellist answering questions about how the project will tackle the problem of dual careers of athletes. Another topic in the panel was the overall project application and management. After the meeting, a networking event was held where through communicating with former athletes that are now working