Project EDoC presented at the Croatian Erasmus+ Sport info day
On the 11th of February HAŠK Mladost presented the European day of care project at the Croatian Erasmus+ Sport Info day in Zagreb. Dunja Bračun who is working on the project participated in the event as a panellist answering questions about how the project will tackle the problem of dual careers of athletes. Another topic in the panel was the overall project application and management. After the meeting, a networking event was held where through communicating with former athletes that are now working
Kick off meeting EDOC
5 February 2019, the Kick-off meeting for the project European Day of Care took place in Brussels, Belgium. The main applicant S.S. Lazio Basket and partners HAŠK Mladost, Tampereen Pyrintö, Sporting Foundation and Ferencvarosi TC were all present to discuss the objectives of the project. The European Day of Care is an Erasmus + Sport project co-funded by the European Union with a duration of 18 months, beginning on the 1 January 2019 and ending on 30 June 2020. Gabriella Bascelli from