Online partner meeting to go further with generating the initial draft

After the kickoff meeting in Brussels, an online working session was held to further the DiaPS project. During this virtual gathering, participants collaborated in creating a Miro board, thus generating the initial draft of the project. Starting from the personas established in Brussels, the participants began to fill the board across various categories: Needs and expectations, Current solutions and gaps, Areas of opportunity, and a diagram illustrating the interconnections between athletes with T1D and key stakeholders such as the community, education system, important institutions, medical support networks, and various tools and technologies.

Upon reviewing the final version of Miro board, it became evident that the identified opportunities emphasized the importance of communication, education, medical and peer support in the management of diabetes within a sporting context. These opportunities serve as guidelines in creating the new digital solution for everyone that is connected to the area of diabetes in sports.

Below you can find the print screen of the Miro board.