STAY! Decreasing teenage dropout in sport
project start date: 01.12.2022
project end date: 31.05.2025
Project Partners
Project Description
The basic idea of this project is to influence and minimize the effect of dropout of teenagers taking place in sport clubs, especially in the age 13-20 years, and through this encourage the continuation of their participation in sport and physical activities.
Modern society in Europe brings constraints to the responsibilities of teenagers, since at that period of their lives they have obligations in the school, in the society and in their personal lives. Most research on the topic of sport dropout say that the dropout rate in that age group is about 70%.
The EU physical activity act says: “Sport policies should aim at increasing the number of citizens participating in sport and physical activity.” Following the objectives of “Healthy lifestyles for all” this project approaches the problem of low participation in sport from a different angle: decreasing teenage sport dropout will have an outcome of increasing the sport participation numbers.
The goal is providing clubs and coaches with tools on how to focus on and tackle the dropout of teenagers in clubs as to encourage their stay in sport clubs, as well as influencing local policy makers to in collaboration with clubs acknowledge the problem and start working on finding solutions.